Supervision in Esalen Massage & Body Posture

Massage, whether it’s professional or private, is a joyful interaction between two people. Ideally, when one gives a massage they should feel as good afterwards, bodily and energetically, as the person who received the massage does. Good “body mechanics” is essential for this to happen. Not only does standing correctly at the table and using the hands appropriately help the practitioner avoid injury, it allows them to be more effective in treating their client’s needs. An incorrect body stance makes the massage more difficult, thus making the practitioner more tired. Unfortunately, many massage methods do not pay any attention to this very important aspect of massage and body-work.

This workshop is designed to help participants learn some basic rules to “help them help themselves”. Simple awareness tools, holding of the hands and stances for the legs will be taught to help enhance their massage skills. The use of the breath will be shown so participants can deepen their reservoir of energy, and give them unbounded pleasure, while giving a massage. Practical exercises and massage method will be utilized to augment this goal. During these days, participants will have ample time to practice the Esalen Massage skills they learned, as well as receiving feedback during the massage session. New massage techniques will be shown through individual assistance at the massage table.

Included with these days:
Participants will also be be helped with their own individual style of Esalen Massage. This seminar is designed for participants of a past or present massage trainings who have, or have not yet, completed their diploma certifications. It is also open to other massage therapists who have been done another massage training of “equal” quality (minimum 200 hours).

Conditions: We ask you to pay the course fee before the beginning of the course.

Course Dates


Course dates to be announced

Teaching Hours

So. 9:30 am - 5:30 pm


CHF 150.-
